Welcome to the Area 51 Podcast!


It's just immigration, it's not rocket science, or is it? If you're a visa / “temporary” status holder in the US and have often found that it was easier navigating through the politics of Game of Thrones than understand the US immigration system, you're not alone. In this podcast, we aim to talk about the problems we face as immigrants here. The way we see it, we're all in for a long 20+ year long (some even up to 436 years!) rollercoaster ride waiting for our Green Cards, dealing with the dizzying highs of getting approved visas to the stomach-dropping lows of dealing with government bureaucracy and 221g’s. Add in a few more flavors such as Trump, COVID-19, layoffs and recessions to this quagmire of a maze, and we may as well be living the Hunger Games in pursuit of permanent residency in the US. We realized early on that whining about this situation can only get us so far. The more we educate ourselves and others about the system, the better armed we are to beat the system. And if we can all have a few laughs along the way, we might just be able to make process a little more fun.

About the Hosts

Rahul MenonProfile Photo

Rahul Menon

Hey folks! I'm an Oil & Gas engineer by day and a podcaster at night. Having lived in over 4 countries, if you look up the word immigrant in a dictionary you might find my picture next to the definition. When I'm not investigating the cosmic connection between immigration and Indians in America, you might catch me attempting to outrun the gravitational pull of my couch. Jokes aside, I do enjoy running and consider myself an amateur runner with two half marathons under my belt. I enjoy reading and watch way too many movies and tv shows. If you have a recommendation for a book, movie or tv show don't hesitate to reach out. Area 51 to me is more than just a podcast. It's a platform where we explore the intersections of identity, culture and the Indian American immigrant experience. While we celebrate the incredible journeys of immigrants, we also try to spread awareness and educate folks about the immigrant system with a healthy dose of humor. So buckle up folks, grab your headphones and let's embark on this journey together- one episode at a time!

Sanjay KrishnaProfile Photo

Sanjay Krishna

Hello! I’m Sanjay, a data engineer by day and a podcast co-creator by night. Alongside my friend Rahul, I delve into the world of podcasts with our show “Area 51”, where we explore and unravel the complexities of the US immigration system and the captivating stories of immigrants, all with a touch of humor and wit.

My passion for data is only matched by my enthusiasm for storytelling, especially stories that often go unheard. This zeal, combined with a penchant for humor and engaging banter, is the foundation of my collaboration with Rahul in starting “Area 51”. Our goal? To shed light on the unique challenges faced by immigrants in the US and create a platform that amplifies their voices.

When I’m not engrossed in data analysis or podcasting, you’ll find me unwinding with my beloved dogs, Izzy and Milo, exploring quirky subreddits (like my latest find, r/ReverseAnimalRescue), or immersed in a good book.

“Area 51” is more than just a podcast; it’s a mission to highlight the diverse and often untold experiences of immigrants. If you have a story that needs to be heard, we’re all ears. Reach out to us at accpodcast [at] gmail [dot] com and let’s share your journey.