Welcome to the Area 51 Podcast!


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One stop for all immigrant content!
The best place to learn everything you always wanted to know about fellow immigrants and their stories! Highly recommend!

An Attention Grabber
I’m not someone who’s usually interested in listening to podcasts unless if it brings something very unique to the table. This podcast is exactly that! From topics surrounding the life new comers to getting a taste of very captivating situations, you wouldn’t believe how fascinating individuals could be…

Review by an Immigration Attorney
To all the podcast lovers and immigration (law) nerds: Over the next several weeks I will publish here my completely biased reviews of some immigration related podcasts. Let me start today with one of my favorites: Area 51 by Rahul Menon and Sanjay Krishna. Rahul and Sanjay are not lawyers but that is maybe why their podcast is so compelling. While they talk about immigration and immigration law they always focus on the people involved. A great example for that is a recent episode titled "The Terminal". It tells the story of Manisha and Balaji, two students from India whose dreams to study for an advanced degree in the United States get crushed by some overly zealous CBP agents. A conversation with immigration lawyer Jonathan Wasden provides some legal background. Area 51 is a good listen. Or as Rahul and Sanjay put it: "It's just immigration, it's not rocket science, or is it?". Highly recommended!

Filling a need
Great tone; great info. Immigration from immigrants, NOT immigration attorneys.

I listened, I laughed, I learned…
…And I was inspired to take action. Love these guys and how they can entertain while educating and empowering others!

Immigration chronicles- insightful and funny
quirky podcast with Sanjay and Rahul blending humour and immigration insights. They decode visa complexities, making it feel like a chat with friends. From backlog woes to Green Card quests, this duo delivers.

Love the intent & content!!
The topic of the podcast is very relevant and useful. I like the depth & breadth of the topic, and appreciate the involvement and perspective of the Immigration Attorney. Given the huge impact of immigration policies on the lives of immigrations and their families, and the complicated mix of emotions, the free flowing conversational style of the hosts with a tinge of sarcasm lightens the blow. Above all, appreciate the intent, time, effort, and thought of the hosts. Would be better if they can be captured as bit-sized modules as the topic is content heavy and very nuanced.

Review of 'Simon Don't Go Back!'
I'm so glad you guys are publicizing the plight of immigrants across the United States. Listening to these podcasts is a great exercise of empathy. 😊

Enjoyed all the episodes
Very informative at the same time so much fun. Keep up the good work.

Binged through all the episodes in a week
Loving it, and need more of it

Review of 'The Phantom H-1B Menace'
It's nice to get a view from the other side. Thanks Rahul and Sanjay! You're doing a great job!

Friends hang!
This just feels like hanging out with friends and kudos to you guys for the thorough research specially on topics that aren’t in the limelight! Looking forward to many more episodes!

Review of 'The Rice of Patel Brothers'
The episode is sweet and simple and funny! Enjoyed the thorough research done by these two especially going to BoL and H1B applications for Raja 🤣

Review of 'The Rice of Patel Brothers'
Very interesting. You guys have researched well. Hope to hear more such stories.

Review of 'The Rice of Patel Brothers'
Love the stories! Keep crafting the stories of Indian immigrants in N. America. All the best

Review of 'The Rice of Patel Brothers'
Something amazing. You guys rock. Excellent episode on a success story. Hats off to Sanjay and Rahul. Expecting more podcasts from you guys. Waiting for the next one 👏👏👏👍

What a mood lifter
I decided to try this podcast today morning, and I haven’t been able to stop listening to it since. It was a brilliant start to my day, I couldn’t stop laughing! Felt like I was right there with them. Informative and hilarious, if you haven’t listened to it yet I’d really really recommend that you do.

Loved it
Good stuff! Very informative and entertaining at the same time. Keep it up. Episode 3 was very educational. I’m going to keep an eye out for future bills and support it as much as I can. Thank you for bringing it to light. Also - AGNI act!!! Couldn’t stop laughing when I heard it 😂

Top Notch
Loving the content. Funny and informative. Keep it Up!

Interesting Stuff
Episode 2 and 3, very nicely done!! Keep up the good work you two and looking forward to more of your episodes!!!

Unique perspective on the immigrant struggle with a funny twist!
Navigating immigration in US is extremely tricky. As someone who’s worked in immigration, I know the insane struggles visa holders go through. Thank you for using your voice to highlight this. This will be highly educational for the people who are new to the country as well as folks who have been here for a while. P.S- You guys are pretty funny!!

Funny and Interesting
You both are pretty funny. There’s never enough content on immigrants and visa holders in US. Excited to see what else you guys are going to put out.

Didn’t know you couldn’t day trade on a visa in the US!