Welcome to the Area 51 Podcast!
Aug. 14, 2023

The Phantom H-1B Menace

The Phantom H-1B Menace

In a galaxy not so far away, the stories of Indian immigrants in America intersect with a pressing issue that could be straight out of a Star Wars plotline. Join us in Area 51's latest episode as we delve into the intricate web of work visas, FDNS site visits, data collection and fraud findings, guided by a seasoned immigration attorney, Jonathan Wasden who is nothing short of a Jedi in the realm of law.

Jon takes us on a journey starting from his days as an attorney for the government to fighting for Indian Immigrants and their rights.  Tune in as we dive headfirst into understanding  immigrant data gathering, voluntary immigration exercises, multiple H-1B registrations, lawsuits against the government while raising thought-provoking questions about privacy, rights and other hurdles in the quest for the Indian American dream.

May the force be with you (You're going to need it...)

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